Please feel free to provide further screenshots or update those which don't look like the current version. If you do take a screenshot, please take it at a reduced resolution, and save it as jpg to save bandwidth.
Please also see our Viedos!
0.8.20 screenshots
The start of a new game on Big Pond
Managing The upgrade of a racetrack
Fighting off a light attack
Retaliating with a heavy attack
You can use restricted zone to create a "farm" of ressources
Placing a swarm in the map editor
Placing some fruit trees in the map editor
Placing a unit in the map editor
Pre-0.8.20 screenshots
Inside the game
Your colony is under heavy attack!
Your colony is low in resources!
Your inn is under attack!
Converting enemy units using your inns.
The map editor
Map editor scripting.jpg
Map editor using scripting
Some features
Custom game.jpg
Custom games and map previews