Free and Open Source real time strategy game with a new take on micro-management

Wiki guide

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This guide will explain categories and templates used by this wiki. If you are going to edit / add a page (including translate) you will need to know which tags will be needed to interact correctly with Globulation 2 site. We have designed a system to keep everything clean (links, categories). When you edit a page don't forget to add a subject description.

Let me give an example: At the time i created this page, there was already the localization system, which is visible by top links to various languages. While surfing through "lost" pages, i've found there was some localized pages of an unknown language, they also wasn't linked by localization bar. They were totally useless because couldn't be reach! When working on a page, always take care of what's written in this guide, or your time may be wasted.

This system also will change over time, this page has to be updated at every news to preserve functionality. Good communication results in an effective job.

Special pages

You can access special pages in the right panel. This page lists many infos about this site, a good resource for editors. If you are new to any wiki, take a first look there.


A Category is a "container" of pages. When you mark a page as member of a category, when browsing this category you will see the page in there. Every page should belong at least to one category. You see which categories belongs a page at its bottom (check end of this page to get an example). You can click on "Category" to see a list of all categories, "en" to see a brief explain of what's purpose of such category and all the english pages.

At the moment, we use these Categories:

  • Developer Resources: Mainly to group all docs regarding game development.
  • Contributor Resources: It lists all pages about how to contribute (it means work on glob2 but not on the code); i.e. making video screencast, making maps, camping on irc.
  • Page Translation: Guess how many pages may be there which just translate an official english page. English pages are 80 (this should be the 81'), the whole site contains around 130 pages. This section help us to keep track of translated pages by language. At the moment there are 2 subcategories, Fr and It. If you are interested to translate some pages, visit this category and check if translated pages are badly outdated. You may also start to work on a new page, feel free to add a subcategory for your language if you need a proper container page (and then remember to update old translated pages by adding [[Category:YourLanguage]] in the bottom).
  • No need translation: This Category is just a note for wiki contributors and it may be removed later. Ideally anything not included there is a missing translated page, anything listed here shouldn't include translation template due to not have useless Special:wanted_pages links. Pages that should have this tag are those which requires at least a base english knowledge to apply all the informations. The page translation guide is a good example.
  • User Manual: All informations about the game are plugged into this category. This category also refers a Template, read further.
  • Support: At the moment contains only FAQ page.
  • AI: Since there are many AI, many pages are listed here.
  • Archives: Outdated pages: old release changes, older screenshots and so on.

Under Special Pages->Categories you will find the complete list.


A template is a page which may be embedded by an other one. An effective example is the languages bar. Right now these are used templates:

  • Template:Translations: Every page which refers to this template will have the following line in the top: {{Translations|Watch page in|Article=Main_Page}}
  • Template:UserManualLinks: This template is used to be on top of manual pages, it adds a menu to other manuals. Usefull when browsing for game informations.

The following are used to format some kind of texts

Look "Most linked-to templates" in Special Pages to see more.
