Free and Open Source real time strategy game with a new take on micro-management

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==In game==
===Paving Areas===
{{Pro}}[[User:Giszmo|Giszmo]] '''my top wish!'''

Clearing areas don't work. To make them useful for not just keeping
passages free but also improve building placement and upgrading i
suggest the following:


turn them into '''paving areas'''.
* paving areas will get cleared if needed
* paving a square costs only time. maybe seconds
* paving areas request one worker per x unpaved squares
* paved areas can be walked on
* paved areas can be built on
* paved areas block resources
* paved areas give no speed bonus
* paved areas can be unpaved
* paved areas look discreet like in the pic (brown)
* paving areas look something like in the pic (yellow)
paving/unpaving is done with area tools and not with a 1x1 building.

With these paving areas we could modify construction and upgrading to be more realistic and handy by:
# make the construction site into a paving area
# when completely paved make it forbidden
# turn it into a 0.9.3 construction site

# Construction would be more easy to use as it would allow to place/upgrade buildings not caring about clearable ressources what is micro management now.
# More realistic as it would not be possible to block enemy units/ressources without actually having a glob that walks there.
# Planned constructions would not be visible or attackable by the opponent.

In noob-mode globulation messures things and triggers warning messages with a button for further help like:
;inns per worker
:if units>10 and inns*10<units then "build more inns! hungry units refuse to work! [how]"
;hospitals per worker
:if gametime > 3min and hospitals*20<units then "build more hospitals! injured units refuse to work! [how]"
;units working at building
:if gametime > 3min and noMouseWheelUnitAdjustment then "you can use the MW to ..."
:if noUnitAdjustment ...
;MMB-drag used?
;hotkeys used?
;more units clicked than buildings? hint that this game does not allow to directly control units ...
;inn/swarm placed far from wheat?
;narrow passage (1 wide passage left. forbid it or place building differently)
;narrow passage after upgrade
;no upgrade possible if placed like that!!
;... please add further easy and helpfull triggers
This mode should be the DEFAULT and only be switched off by hand in the settings screen. no "no messages like this" on every message.
It would help pros to save hinting noobs on all those obvious mistakes people do in the beginning.

===Resource Destruction===
If my warriors can destroy walls, they should be able to destroy resources that get in their way as well. So either resources need to be destroyable by warriors, or warriors need to be able to walk over resources (possibly at a movement penalty). Resources shouldn't be a better defense than walls.
:This has been discussed on the ML and we agreed on the design as it is. Benefit is that you can't rush in with only warriors but will have to bring workers there, too. That's more strategy. --[[User:Giszmo|Giszmo]]
::I'd strongly disagree. The growth of resources should not be vastly superior to existing walls. As it is, it is far better to lay down forbidden zones to create a layer of defense (especially wheat).

::Now, I agree that strategically, control points are needed. However, this is better done by adding a selection of new tiles that obstruct movement. Alternatively, something could be done about walls, either drastically improving their HP, or if you wish a meaningful use of workers, make it so that workers are the only/only effective means of destroying walls. (Obliterate enemy construction ability? Combat engineering done by workers plus making walls immune to warriors or boosting armor to around 50).

::Actually, that'd be pretty cool, having workers act as combat engineers that can inflict damage on buildings ignoring armor. It'd be interesting to make some buildings virtually require workers to destroy. --[[User:Xylix|Xylix]] 12:41, 3 July 2007 (EDT)

====Warehouses idea 1====
* Warehouses that can store grain, fruit, trees, stone, and algae. These are not global but any worker that grabs resources from this warehouse can grab twice the normal load (they can also grab only the regular amount in case that is all they need for construction)
====Warehouses idea 2====
*A building that carries resources. It comes paired with a "distrubition center building" that can be "built" up to a certain distance from this store house (about 10ish spaces). Globs can get resources from the distribution center, where as they put them in the store house. This acts as a mechanism to circumvent distances, improve worker efficiency, and improve city construction management and thus reduce clutter. Players should be able to assign which of the four resources they want workers to gather for their storehouse, with the potential for choosing "all".
*Obviously there will need to be a way to ensure that the "distribution center" corresponds to a particular warehouse. The best way would probably be to have the "build icon" tagged to that particular building.
===unoptimal buildings===
* Current and ancient technologies have existed throughout the real world allowing the building of objects on various terrians, and should exist in globulation too. This is basically as above, but instead of building a "platform" first, the building is simply placed in the terrian. Instead, the building has its own ''unique'' special cost additions for every unoptimal spot the building takes up. For instance, most buildings might require +1 wood per an area of water the building takes up (and may require the same on upgrade, or not)... but towers could be set up to require +2 wood per a spot (14 total wood for a floating tower) or even +1/+2/+3 wood (4 wood for building, 8 for upgrade, 12 for upgrade-2).
* This allows players to expand when necessary into unfavorable terrian, or allows them to put down "bases" where it would not otherwise be possible. However, as reasonable this adds a stiff cost that should keep players on the land they should be on.
* Some sort of warning mechanism should be built in to allow the player to know they are constructing with an extracost. Red glowing spots is probably fine (as well as red highlighted building costs where additions are necessary).


==Audio & Graphics==
===Jack-audio-connection-kit support===
* Jackit audio support. """JACK is a low-latency audio server, written for POSIX conformant operating systems such as GNU/Linux and Apple's OS X. It can connect a number of different applications to an audio device, as well as allowing them to share audio between themselves. Its clients can run in their own processes (ie. as normal applications), or can they can run within the JACK server (ie. as a "plugin").""" Support for Jackit should be optional, as a compile flag. Configure should automatically enable jackit supprt if jackit is installed on the system, and it should disable support if jackit is not. Use of Jackit should not entirely replace SDL sound support, only if the jackd server is running (at runtime) should Jackit be used. Otherwise, SDL sound should be used. This means either system could be used, it is runtime determinable.
:* Why? For sound input? Sound output already uses SDL --[[User:Nct|Nct]] 14:04, 7 December 2005 (PST)
::*SDL doesn't work well with jackd. I've tried, unless you know of a way. some people must use jackd do to the cards they have, such as me (the m-audio 1010LT) and glob2 doesn't work with it for sound --[[User:AppleBoy|AppleBoy]] 09:06, 10 December 2005 (PST)
* Different sound and color for when units convert to other team
* Use theme for menus
** bitmapped version currently non-bitmapped widgets (JJ)
**Different players, different tiles: is there a solution to have players with a different graphics for building?

==Coding (general improvments)==
* Optimize unit state machine.
* Gradient calculation improvements. {{BUG|16512|gradient calculation cpu consumption improvements}}
* Remove UnitType, put all attributes to unit. Remove Race, write Unit prototype.
* Create StreamEditor dialog box to edit properties of any serializable object. Have GUI to edit value from/to Stream. Allows per unit customisation in Map editor.
* Optimize forbidden zone exiting.
* Explorer should consider both FOW and undiscovered ares, not only undiscovered.
* Order must be serializable object and accept a Stream in load/save method. This allow human-readable dump of orders in case of syncronization.
* Check all TODO, FIXME, DUNNO. Fix what needs to be fixed, remove old stuff, let usefull one in place.
=== Warrior Rebalence ===
* Warrirs of various levels desperately need to be rebalanced. As it currently exists warriors '''''must''''' be level 2 in order to be effective (there is a huge capabilitiy gap), and upgrading the warriors is a necessity rather than a ''strategic consideration'', as it should be. As such, warriros need to be rebalanced so that a player actually ''considers'' whether or not he wants to upgrade his warriors..., at least earlier in the game. Further the ''gap'' between each upgrade should be as equal as possible.
* I suggest trying to balance around the following principles:
:*''Time'' -- The time it takes a lv 1 warrior to defeat a lv 1 warrior should be approximately the same as the time it takes a level 4 warrior to defeat a level 4 warrior.
:*''Strength'' -- A lv2 Warrior should do as well against a lv1 warrior as a lv4 warrior does against a lv3 warriors. The strength "gap" should be the same.
:*''Capability'' -- Lv1 Warriors should be sufficiently strong to at least, in numbers, represent a real risk against lv4 warriors..., where as this is most definitely not true currently.
* Why all of these? Time is because the player should be able to get similar reaction/planning/counterstrike time against opposing warriors late in the game as they do to early in the game. Equally, logistical limits should be similar early in the game as late in the game. Perhaps just as importantly, there should be sufficient time that an invididual with a larger army can actually get his 2-1 or 3-1 advantage. Strength because there should be no "upgrade" that is more desirable than the last. Each increase should have the same weight. Capability because upgrades should never be ''absoultely necessary,'' even though they ''may'' be extremely desirable.
* To give an idea of the scale of the problem lets look a basic stats:
: ''LV1 Warrior''
:HP: 250; Armor: 10
:Attack: 8; Speed: 11;
:Damage/Second: 8.3; 1.04 (armor)
:TimeToKill: 30 seconds / 240 seconds

:''LV2 Warrior''
:HP: 250; Armor: 10
:Attack: 16; Speed: 18;
:Damage/Second: 26.6; 10 (armor)
:TimeToKill: 9.4 seconds / 25 seconds

:''LV3 Warrior''
:HP: 250; Armor: 10
:Attack: 24; Speed: 25;
:Damage/Second: 55; 32 (armor)
:TimeToKill: 4.6 seconds / 7.9 seconds

:''LV4 Warrior''
:HP: 250; Armor: 10
:Attack: 32; Speed: 32;
:Damage/Second: 100; 68.8 (armor)
:TimeToKill: 2.5 seconds / 3.6 seconds

:''Time:'' 12x time factor (ignoring armor), or a 67x time factor considering armor. That's is to say that the player has 1/12th to 1/67th the time to respond to an assault from Lv4 Warriors, then they did against Lv1 Warriors.
:''Strength'': The gaps of strength can be measure without armor as: 320% / 200% / 180% or with armor as 960% / 320% / 220%. This makes the upgrade from lv 1 to lv 2 absolutely necessary... and means a rush of lv 2 warriors will always obliterate lvl1 Warriors.
:''Capability:'' As per time; A Lv 4 warrior can defeat 12 Lv1 Warriors in a row (or 4 simutaniously) -- excluding armor; or 67 Lv1 Warriors in a row; or 11 Simutaniously (which will never happen!)
* I suggest squeezing this down some. The first thing I'd suggest is lowering time. I think balancing kill times (with armor) around the 25 seconds of the LV 2 warriors would be a good start. Additionally, I would reduce the "strength growth" with armor to around 200-150% growth. For this I suggest any of the following, all balanced for kill time circa 25-30 seconds against their own level. A lower value may be desired about 10-20 seconds, if 25-30 seconds is just too long -- 10-15 seconds can be easily acheived just by doubling all attack speeds, without changing any other balance.
* Growth ~150%; Lv1-Lv4 diff: 350% (''counting armor'')
::LV 1: HP 250; Armor 5; Attack 15; Speed 10;
::LV 2: HP 280; Armor 6; Attack 16; Speed 11;
::LV 3: HP 325; Armor 7; Attack 17; Speed 12;
::LV 4: HP 360; Armor 8; Attack 18; Speed 13;
* This would be a minor upgrade gradiant. Lv4 Units could destroy 3.5 Lv 1 units in a row, or defeat 2 simutaniously. This gradient may be a bit lower than desired. However, it is also the only gradient that would allow a player to ''choose'' to ''never'' upgrade their warriors, and still have warriors that are actually worth anything.
* Growth ~175%; Lv1-Lv4 diff: 560% (''counting armor'')
::LV 1: HP 250; Armor 5; Attack 15; Speed 10;
::LV 2: HP 300; Armor 6; Attack 17; Speed 11;
::LV 3: HP 375; Armor 7; Attack 19; Speed 12;
::LV 4: HP 450; Armor 8; Attack 21; Speed 14;
* A moderate gradient, certrainly balanced. I personally think this is the best gradient of all. Lv4 Units could destroy 5.6 Lv 1 units in a row, and to nearly defeat a triplet simutaniously, or 2 pairs in a row.
* Growth ~200%; Lv1-Lv4 diff: 990% (''counting armor'')
::LV 1: HP 250; Armor 5; Attack 15; Speed 10;
::LV 2: HP 325; Armor 6; Attack 17; Speed 11;
::LV 3: HP 400; Armor 8; Attack 20; Speed 12;
::LV 4: HP 475; Armor 10; Attack 23; Speed 14;
*The highest gradient I'd recommend. Lv 4 Units could destroy 9.9 Lv1 units in a row, and could defeat a quadruplet at once, or a triplet, dublet, then singlet. This is about the maximum amount of "power" a Lv4 to Lv1 can have without the level 1units being rendered completely useless.
*I would note, that the food consumption per a kill (of the same class) is not level here (Raises equal to speed!). This can be addressed in several ways. The first would be to simply allow it to persist (if it isn't too big of a deal), the other would be to increase the food "carried" by higher level warriors (Incidently, also giving them larger marching distances, which isn't really that bad of an idea!, especially if using a more moderate gradient). Or, an attempt to balance can be made while leaving attack speed constant... However, all of food consumption AND attack speed, AND time to kill same level cannot all remain constant, that is mathamatically impossible.

== Selected Mailing List Threads ==
== Selected Mailing List Threads ==

Revision as of 03:12, 27 October 2008

The wishlist has moved: The wishlist has moved to a service that supports voting, and is more organized. You can check it out at Feel free to add new suggestions there. Thanks.

Selected Mailing List Threads
