User:BandobrasFrom Globulation2Hi Bandoras! Thanx or helping in the wiki. if zyou have questions on some articles please write them to the discussion-page of the page in question. I reverted an entry of yours under [units]. Ask there and i will get back to you as soon as i have mor time. --Giszmo 01:10, 14 October 2006 (PDT)
[Resetting indents] Oh, my God, this is C++! =:O Sorry, it would taint me. Such a novel and fun game... Oh, my... But I wish you good luck, anyway. Hmmm, I'll just take a quick peek... Unit.cpp says: //! Return the real armor, taking into account the reduction due to fruits int Unit::getRealArmor(void) const { int armorReductionPerHappyness = race->getUnitType(typeNum, level[ARMOR])->armorReductionPerHappyness; return performance[ARMOR] - fruitCount * armorReductionPerHappyness; } and data/units.txt says: armor = 10 [...] armorReductionPerHappyness = 10; so it can mean 1 fruit negates armor and 3 fruits result in armor value being -20. However, this is probably object-oriented code, so a quick peek is worth nothing --- answers to such questions (and to "what does performance[] mean?") are scattered throughout the whole inheritance tree for the related objects. Sorry... Hehe, I couldn't resist ;) --- the same code is duplicated in, like 3 places, and here is the best one: globalContainer->gfx->drawString(globalContainer ->gfx->getW()-124, ypos, globalContainer->littleFont, FormatableString("%0 : %1 = %2 - %3 * %4").arg(Toolkit::getStringTable()-> getString("[armor]")).arg(realArmor).arg(selUnit-> performance[ARMOR]).arg(selUnit->fruitCount). arg(armorReductionPerHappyness).c_str()); OK, I have to bail out --- I feel I almost understand that last one --- a bad sign. :> When you want to rewrite that game in a decent, or even a modern language, let me know, so I can suggest and perhaps even help. However, the current art, concept, style and, as far as I can tell, gameplay, is really outstanding. --Bandobras 12:47, 11 November 2006 (PST) | ||