This page contains all graphic modifications to glob2 made by WinterDryad.
If you like it, you are encouraged to use it by download --> unzip all images in glob2's /data/gfx directory.
Note1: A screenshot may not show the full WinterDryad set of images because they were shot when an element wasn't updated (i.e. the first image is still with default water). Please focus only on the element in the title.
Note2: At the moment uploading zip files isn't allowed by our wiki, if you got involved to this new look feel free to join IRC and ask for these files
Generic Changes:
- Undiscovered terrain and Fog of war: This is an improvement which should be added as default, unexplored areas will show diagonals, visible area around unit is no longer a rectangle but edges are softed, which in fact results in a "correct" effect:
Download links:
Titolo del collegamento, Titolo del collegamento
Improved menu, a bit aggressive but involving:
Titolo del collegamento
Terrain / Resources:
Default resources don't look real at all, but this may not be defective. Like everything, it is just up to your taste.
- Terrain: This new terrain is less plastic, adds some variety:
Titolo del collegamento
Titolo del collegamento
Titolo del collegamento
Titolo del collegamento
WinterDryad's style here is steelish and aggressive, some don't like it, some fall in love as well:
Titolo del collegamento
Titolo del collegamento
Titolo del collegamento
Titolo del collegamento