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Building the .deb file

From Globulation2

Revision as of 01:31, 2 October 2009 by Fede (talk | contribs) (category:en)
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No longer using configure: We have switched to scons for Globulations main compiling tools and checkinstall (the program used below) currently only works with configure/make. This guide needs to be update with new instructions.


  1. A PC running Debian
  2. All the data including
    • sources (Mercurial or .tar.gz)
    • grafix and sounds (syncdata)
    • maps (syncmaps)
    • all that's necessary to build glob2 (make, libs, ...)
    • checkinstall (the piece of software that will actually make the .deb file


procede like you wanted to install glob2 on the system:

cd DirectoryYouDownloadedAndUnpackedGlob2

and now instead of sudo scons install do a

sudo checkinstall scons install

Follow the instructions and please don't ignore lines like "can't find file ..." even as it might report to have finished successfully as this might imply you missed to do syncdata or thelike 9if you downloaded source from mercurial). Now if it finished well you will find a .deb suitable to be installed on systems like yours.
